19 States, D.C. and P.R. Required Use For All Riders:
- Alabama
- California
- District of Columbia
- Georgia
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- New Jersey
- New York
- North Carolina
- Oregon
- Puerto Rico
- Tennessee
- Vermont
- Virginia
- Washington
- West Virginia
Not Required In 3 States:
28 States Require Use For A Specific Segment of Riders (Usually Under 18):
- Alaska
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- Connecticut
- Delaware (1)
- Florida (2)
- Hawaii
- Idaho
- Indiana
- Kansas
- Kentucky (3)
- Louisiana (4)
- Maine (5)
- Minnesota
- Montana
- New Hampshire
- New Mexico
- North Dakota
- Ohio (6)
- Oklahoma
- Pennsylvania (9)
- Rhode Island (7)
- South Carolina
- South Dakota
- Texas (8)
- Utah
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming
- Required for riders under age 19 and helmets must be in the possession of other riders, even though use is not required
- Required for riders under age 21 and for those without $10,000 of medical insurance that will cover injuries resulting from a motorcycle crash.
- Required for riders under age 21, riders operating a motorcycle with an instruction permit, riders with less than one year's experience, and/or riders who do not provide proof of health insurance to county clerk. (insurance provision repealed effective July 15, 2000).
- Required for riders under age18 and those who do not have a health insurance policy with medical benefits of at least $10,000. Proof of policy must be shown to law enforcement officer upon request.
- Required for riders under age 15 years of age, novices, and holders of learners permits.
- Required for riders under age 18 and first year operators.
- Required for riders under 21 and first year operators.
- Required for riders age 20 and under and those who have not completed a rider training course or who do not have $10,000 medical insurance coverage.
- Required for riders under 21 and age 21 or older who have had a motorcycle operator”s license for less than two years or who have not completed an approved motorcycle safety course.